The Brian Dainsberg Podcast
Living the Christian life in today's world is complicated. This podcast will unpack some of the cultural issues we're facing and how we can continue to "Fight the good fight of the faith (1 Tim. 6:12)."
Podcasting since 2021 • 46 episodes
The Brian Dainsberg Podcast
Latest Episodes
Q&A: Roman Catholicism and Protestantism
The commonalities and differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism will likely be equally surprising to those not well-versed in what each believes. While this episode won't hit every detail, it's a good starting point to make some n...
Q&A: Deconstruction
There has been no shortage of "deconstruction" or "deconversion" stories to be found on the internet. While the words associated with it may sound new, the phenomenon has been around for centuries.Resources:
Q&A: Prayer - What Is It and How Do I Do It?
Prayer is something Christians mention often, yet it remains mysterious. We tell ourselves we need to pray more, but what exactly is it and how are we supposed to do it?Resources: